I’ve been wanting to build a wood core kayak for at least a decade. I’ve clicked through the boat designs at Chesapeake Light Craft on and off for years. After much internal debate I purchased the Millcreek 16.5 Hybrid Tandem Kayak. The “hybrid” part is that the hull is marine plywood but the decking is done with 3/4″ cedar strips arranged in what ever design I feel like I can pull off. Hmmm…
- The Plans, sheet one of six
- Unpacking
- Gluing the bilge and sheer strake puzzle joints
- Curing the bottom puzzle joints under 75 Watt lightbulbs. 32 degrees outside, about the same in the garage
- Stitching the hull together
- Stitching the hull together, part II
- Bulkheads and knees wired in
- The cockpit ready to go
- Filleted and glassed the stern, coated all the wood surfaces with two coats of epoxy
- The bow and stern fillet and glass job will be hidden under the deck. As long as the deck hatches are in place no one will see my trials-and-errors
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